This is your location (44.06152, -79.506563) / 1947782385961 Confidence Score: 0.9 Directions

This is the nearest street address. [ 857 ELVIDGE TRAIL Newmarket ON, 44.061520, -79.506563 ].

  1. Woodland Hills,newmarket
  2. Newmarket,ON

This is the closest street: ELVIDGE TRAIL (0.000 km) Between Clifford Perry & Prest The closest postal code area: L3X0J7 (L3X0J7 polygon) is 0.000 kilometres away

0.043 km near the corner of Prest WAY and Elvidge TRAIL

0.043 km near the main intersection of Prest WAY and Elvidge TRAIL

XML Response | JSON Response | JSONp Response

44.06152, -79.506563

View Street Addresses in the L3X0J7 postal code Note: These street addresses have been submited to in association with the L3X0J7 postal code in Newmarket, ON via a crowdsourcing process. They are provided "as is", none has been verified by nor does claim to have a complete list of all existing addresses in the L3X0J7 postal code area.